Ovog puta tvorci plesnog diptiha tražili su zajedničko kulturno nasleđe, crpeći inspiraciju iz nacionalnih tradi...
Announcement for future students.
Obaveštenje za sve studente i brucoše.
Contemporary dancing play Grand Hotel, performed as a part of the Ballet Fest, has delighted the audience in the Nati...
Savremena plesna predstava Grand Hotel izvedena u sklopu 12. Balet Festa, oduševila je publiku u Nar...
Independent theatre troup and artistic company DAH Theatre was awarded the Austrian prize for their project „Da...
Nezavisna pozorišna trupa i umetnički kolektiv DAH Teatar, dobio je austrijsku nagradu za svoj projekat &bdqu...
The Decameron 2020 play is performed at the theatre Teatar Vuk at 5 p.m. within the BITEF Polyphony on 22nd September...
U okviru Bitef polifonije 22.09.2021. u 17.00 časova u Teatru Vuk će biti izvedena predstava Dekameron 2020.
In the French Institute in Belgrade on the regional meeting of the International Platform Teatroskop, professor Aleks...
Na regionalnom sastanku Međunarodne platforme Teatroskop u Francuskom Institutu u Beogradu, Profesor Aleksandar Ili...
The Serbian National Theatre Opera started its 161st season with spectacular performance of Verdi's Aida not yet seen...