The Belgrade Dance Institute has announced the contest for the enrolment in the first year of accredited academic studies of Artistic Dance lasting for three years or six semesters, and the departments which can be enrolled are Classical Ballet, Contemporary Dance, Choreography, Ballet Pedagogy, and Contemporary Dance Pedagogy
After completing this level of studies, a graduate acquires the title of Drama and Audiovisual Artist – Artistic Dance (180 ECTS credits).
Enrolment exam consists of practical part, general culture test, and English language test.
Entrance exams will be held from the 16th to 18th of September, whereas preparatory classes and open days will be given from 11th to 13th of September in 2024.

Schedule of the entrance exams:
- Entrance exam for Classical Ballet and Classical Pedagogy is on 16.09. at 11.00 in the New Studio;
- Entrance exam for Contemporary Dance and Contemporary Dance Pedagogy is on 17.09. at 11.00 in the hall of the New Studio;
- Entrance exam for Choreography is on 17.09. at 13.00 in the New Studio;
- General Knowledge Test is on 18.09. at 13.00 in room 329;
- English Language Test on 18.09. at 14.00 in room 329.
Sign Up
Candidates who passed the entrance exam and who are about to enrol the Institute need to submit the following documents:
- Birth Certificate;
- Secondary School Certificates of all four forms (the original or a verified copy);
- Secondary School Diploma (the original or a certified copy);
- 2 photographs with dimensions 3.5 x 4.5 cm;
- The receipt showing the fees are paid
A payment of 5,000 dinars is to be made for taking the entrance exam.
All additional information can be found on www.iui.rs (English version of the site)
☎️ 011 41 40 421 (from Serbia) / 0038111 41 40 421 (from abroad/ outside Serbia)

Preparatory Classes (or College Prep)
The Belgrade Dance Institute holds entrance-exam preparatory classes for undergraduate studies for the departments: Classical Ballet, Contemporary Dance, Choreography, Ballet Pedagogy,and Contemporary Dance Pedagogy.
Preparatory classes will be held from September 11th to 13th, 2024.
Applications should be sent to e-mail: katarina.bucic@iui.rs
Timetables for preparation classes will be published later on the faculty website and instagram.
Attendance of preparatory classes for all departments is 8,000.00 RSD.
Payment is made to bank acount of Institute: 265167031000009130; reference number: Unique Citizens Identity Number of candidate.
Purpose of payment: Costs of preparation classes
Open days
Open Days are organised every Friday by the Belgrade Dance Institute, when interested candidates and their parents can visit the Institute and talk to the professors, assistants, and the employees who are in charge in the Students’ Service in order to get all necessary information. The visits (individual and group) should be arranged in advance via email address institutzaumetnickuigru@gmail.com

Tuition fees / Finance
The total costs of studying at the undergraduate level are the most affordable in Serbia (tuition, all textbooks, and scientific and teaching aids, unlimited number of exam applications and semester certification) and amount to EUR 3.000 per year of study.
If the candidate opts for the payment in installments, the student is obliged to pay 40% of the tuition fee at the beginning of the academic year, and the rest in eight equal monthly installments.
In the best academic spirit, the Belgrade Dance Institute offers partial or full scholarships for students who, upon application, show the highest quality and potential, as well as the need for financial assistance.
Before taking the entrance exam, a candidate pays to the Institute account the amount of 5,000 RSD for the costs of holding the exam.
Payment is made to the Institute bank account with:
Account with institution: RZBSRSBG (SWIFT)
Beneficiary customer: RS35265100000012009039 (IBAN)