Institutu za umetničku igru, ul. Bulevaru vojvode Mišića br. 43. u baletskoj sali 307.
Naši studenti vladimir drljan i ivona stojanović položili audiciju za prijem pripravnika u nacionalnom ansam...
Dance performance Grand Hotel, choreographed by prof. Aleksandar Ilić and directed by prof. Aleksandar Nikolić, was...
The goddess Hecate has the power to see the past, present and future and has the keys to all possible solutions, just...
The Belgrade Dance Institute has announced the contest for the enrolment on the first year of accredited doctoral stu...
The Belgrade Dance Institute announces entrance exams/audition for Master studies of dance performance – IUI Tr...
The Belgrade Dance Institute has announced the contest for the enrolment in the first year of accredited undergraduat...
Boginja Hekata ima moć da vidi prošlost, sadašnjost i budućnost i ima ključeve za sva moguća ...
Plesna predstava Grand Hotel, u koreografiji Prof. Aleksandra Ilića i režiji Prof. Aleksandra Nikolića, izvedena j...
Institut za umetničku igru raspisuje konkurs za upis studenta u prvu godinu doktorskih studija Umetnička igra i per...
Institut za umetničku igru raspisao je konkurs za upis studenata na prvu godinu akreditovanih osnovnih akademskih st...
Direktor Kulturnog centra Beograda Prof. Aleksandar Ilić svečanim proglašenjem nagrađenih autora i performa...