Zakažite konsultacije i posetite Institut za umetničku igru. Zakazivanja se organizuju svakog radnog dana od 9...
Schedule consultations and visit the Belgrade Dance Institute. Appointments are organized every weekday from 9:00 a.m...
Danas, 22.03.2023. u Beogradu, Ivana Ljujić, kandidat za zvanje Master dramski i audiovizuelni umetnik – Umetn...
Today, March 22nd 2023, in Belgrade, Ivana Ljujić, a candidate for the title of Master of Drama and Audiovisual Arts...
Professor of Engineering Management and Belgrade Dance Institute, dr Miomir Petrović will participate in a panel dis...
Today, on December 22nd, 2022, in Belgrade, Jovana Ikonić, a candidate for the title of Drama and Audiovisual Artist...
Minister of Culture Maja Gojković, Vice Dean for Teaching Prof. dr Snežana Arnautović Stjepanović and Prof. Aleks...
On Tuesday, December 27th, 2022, at the Belgrade Dance Institute, doctoral candidate Marina Bukvički successfully de...
On the invitation of H.E. Ambassador Kun Fan of the People's Republic of China in Podgorica, Professor Aleksandar Ili...
Dean Prof. Dr. Vladimir Tomašević hosted today the director of the China Stage 2023 project, based in Shangha...
The Belgrade Dance Institute in Belgrade will organize a masterclass on choreography and methodology of folk dance on...
On the stage of Theater Vuk, on Sunday, January 29th, starting at 8 pm, the Youth Ballet will perform the traditional...