The performance Femine is a contemporary dance show produced by the Belgrade Dance Institute, as part of the authoria...
The Belgrade Dance Institute will hold a preparatory course for entrance exams for undergraduate studies in the depar...
U radionici Afro-dijasporično telo probudićemo percepciju i osnaživanje našeg tela kroz ritam afro-brazilsk...
In the Afro-Diasporic Body workshop, we will awaken perception and empowerment of our bodies through the rhythm of Af...
Institut za umetničku igru održaće pripremnu nastavu za polaganje prijemnih ispita za osnovne studije za odseke: S...
Dean of the Belgrade Dance Institute, Prof. dr Vladimir Tomašević, attended the premiere performance of the c...
Dekan Instituta za umetničku igru Prof. dr Vladimir Tomašević prisustvo...
On June 1st, the derived choreodrama Ana je odlučila da živi- 25403 (Ana decided to live - 25403) was performed on ...
Treće izdanje DAH Teatar Festivala UMETNOST I LJUDSKA PRAVA, biće održano od 20. juna do 24. juna 2023, na različ...
The third edition of the DAH Theater Festival ART AND HUMAN RIGHTS will be held from June 20th to June 24th, 2023, at...
Kinetički crtež kao vizuelno dokumentovanje pokreta je još jedan od interesantnih, uzbudljivih i kreativnih ...
Kinetic drawing, as a visual documentation of movement, is another interesting, exciting, and creative way of connect...