U Salonu muzeja grada Beograda 19. oktobra s početkom u 12.00 časova je predstavljen 59. Oktobarski salon | Beograd...
The thirteenth Belgrade International Film Festival for and by people with disabilities- BOSIFEST 2022, which this ye...
The freshman year of the School of Engineering Management and the Belgrade Dance Institute will be held on 23rd Octob...
The 59th October Salon was presented in the Salon of the Belgrade City Museum on October 19th, ...
Svečana ceremonija zatvaranja festivala i dodela nagrada na Trinaestom Internacionalnom Festivalu Osoba Sa Invalidit...
The closing ceremony of the festival and awarding ceremony at the Thirteenth Belgrade International Film Festival for...
Druženje sa čitaocima i potpisivanje njegovog poslednjeg romana Središnja pustinja (II izdanje, uži izbor z...
Brucošijada Fakulteta za inženjerski menadžment i Instituta za umetničku igru održaće se 23.10.2022. u Be...
Trinaesti Beogradski Internacionalni Filmski Festival Osoba Sa Invaliditetom - BOSIFEST 2022. koji ...
The Belgrade Dance Institute anounces the results of the admission examination for the undergraduate studies.
On July 1st, the graduate performance of Metronomy, choreographed by Tamara Gvozdenović, premiered on the Raš...
The Dean of Belgrade Dance Institute Prof. Dr. Vladimir Tomašević signed an agreement on cooperation with Pro...