Artistic dance congitive research center
The Centre for Artistic-Dance Cognitive Research is the first centre in the country and region which has the aim to research artistic dance (ballet, folk dance, contemporary and modern dance) as individual and collective performing, the perception and creating of it, as well as the relation between music and artistic dance.
The idea of and the need for founding a centre for artistic-dance cognitive research has originated in theoretical and practical research of the relation between music and artistic dance for many years. Firstly, research in the field of learning, performing, but also of memorising the artistic dance. When observing the movement in artistic dance, what is put in the research focus is the dancing artist and his sposobnost da „rukovodi“ potencijalno bezbrojnim pokretima, što podrazumeva izuzetnu tačnost u izvođenju pokreta, kompleksnost i koordiniciju pokreta. Učenje umetničke igre sa teorijske or her skill to manage countless movements, which implies outstanding accuracy of performing the movements, their complexity and coordination. Theoretical and practical learning of artistic dance implies not only physical abilities of the dancers, but also a broad field of cognitive skills which refer to body control in physical surroundings. By building the network of cognitive systems, a dancer forms his or her mental picture, dancing insight and expertise in a certain dancing practice.
The relation between music and artistic dance in the field of cognitive sciences has been researched in the centres all over the world which deal with such and the similar research already for decades. One of the basic ideas of the Centre for Artistic-Dance Cognitive Research is to research the concepts of learning, memorising and performing the artistic dance by means of interdisciplinary scientific methods. By this approach, we want to create a new fruitful and innovative area concerning the approach to and observation of the artistic dance on the territory of Serbia, and in this way to offer the possibility of networking with the established scientific centres and institutes in this field.

Our team:
Maja Krasin Matić – the head of the Centre for Artistic-Dance Cognitive Research; a professor at the Belgrade Dance Institute
Milica Popović Stijačić – an associate of the Centre for Artistic-Dance Cognitive Research;
Prof. dr Sanja Mandarić – an associate of the Centre for Artistic-Dance Cognitive Research;