Undergraduate studies
Osnovne akademske studije iz oblasti umetničke igre traju tri godine, odnosno šest semestara.
MA Studies
The programme for Master’s degree at the Belgrade Dance Institute is made for ambitious graduates who want to broaden their knowledge in artistic dance, choreography and pedagogy, as well as for accomplished professionals who want to advance their knowledge and skills in order to achieve better results in personal and professional plan.
PHD Studies
The study programme of Artistic Dance and Performance is conducted during three academic years and is worth 180 ECTS credits.

Belgrade Dance Institute
Belgrade Dance Institute is established in 2014. The Institute offers the first accredited study programmes within undergraduate and postgraduate studies that give students the academic education in the field of highly professional artistic dance (Classical Ballet, Contemporary Dance, Stage Folk Dance, and Music), Choreography and Ballet Pedagogy. The programmes in the Institute are based on the contemporary concept and are run by the prominent professors both from Serbia and from Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance in London.
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“Dear visitor,
a rare opportunity is there for someone to wish the first words of welcome to a visitor of the unique institution, the first one of its kind, not only in our country, but also in the whole region. Belgrade Dance Institute cherishes the group of exceptional pedagogues, artists and intellectuals who teach future generations of drama and audiovisual artists by making use of their skill, imagination and knowledge. Take your chance!”
- Prof. Vladimir Tomašević, PhD